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Knight Foundation Donor Advised Fund

Changing the Perception

November 04, 2016

“Life is about perception. We will never remove our stigmas unless we can effectively change the perception of Gary. One small step is highlighting the positive aspects that we have to offer. That's what I hoped to convey with my submission.”

Civic Innovators Convening 2016

April 29, 2016

On April 19, Legacy Foundation hosted the second annual Civic Innovators Convening where attendees were able to give their favorite projects grant funding to take it from an idea to reality! 

Accion Client - Sibyl Peeples

December 16, 2015

Accion is a nonprofit that helps communities grow by investing in people who build businesses and generate jobs in their neighborhoods. Accion assisted Sibyl Peeples by providing her a loan to open her Northwest Indiana bakery. 

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